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Diane D'Arras
Diane D'Arras
Immediate Past President of the International Water Association
Member of the French Technology Academy since 2014

She began her career in 1977 in a French Public Water Authority as a civil engineer. In 1981, she joined Suez a Water and Solid Waste Company. After first experiences for Suez in water operations in France, then in Buenos Aires as Operations Manager (7 million inhabitants, 2.5 million clients served, 2,000 employees), she became in 1998 Research Senior Vice President at Degrémont, the infrastructure company of Suez, and then, joining the Comex of Suez, she oversaw Technology, Research, and Innovation at the group level. From 2011 to 2017, coming back to field business, she was Suez Water Western Europe Senior Executive VP. After 37 years of career in Suez, she retired in 2018 while serving as Non-Executive President of IWA from October 2016 until the 21st of April this year.