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Professor Paul Hunter
Professor Paul Hunter
University of East Anglia

Professor Paul Hunter is Professor in Medicine at the Norwich Medical School, University of East Anglia, UK. After qualifying in Medicine from Manchester University he specialised in Medical Microbiology and Communicable Disease Control. Prior to his current appointment he was Director of the Chester Public Health Laboratory from 1988 until his current appointment in 2001. Until his retirement from clinical practice he was also a Consultant in clinical virology at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. His primary interests are in emerging infectious diseases especially those transmitted through food, water or the environment. His remains passionately interested in outbreaks of infectious disease and their management. He has published almost 300 research papers and authored or edited six books. He has been cited over 24,000 times. His research activities have included epidemiology, research synthesis as well as bench research and genomics. In recent years he has published on dengue fever, Ebola, Zika virus, the evolutionary genetics of cryptosporidium and the impact of inadequate access to safe water and sanitation on health. During the current crisis, he is a member of the WHO Health Emergencies Program Experts Advisory Panel for Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Preparedness, Readiness and Response to COVID-19. He has published several papers on COVID-19 especially around the value of face coverings and risk factors in care homes. He is one of the most sought-after media COVID-19 experts with over 30,000 mentions or appearances in the on-line, print and broadcast media.