Professor Hamanth C Kasan
General Manager (Scientific Services),
Rand Water, South Africa and Vice President,
International Water Association
Rand Water, South Africa and Vice President,
International Water Association

Professor Kasan has been actively engaged in the water and sanitation sector for the past thirty years. He has acquired a unique blend of skills, knowledge and expertise. He has spent 10 years in the academic sector and the past twenty years at a very large water utility, Rand Water, as General Manager. He has played and currently plays a leading role in many organisations viz.,
- Honorary Professor: Durban University of Technology
- Vice-President and Board member: IWA (International Water Association)
- Board member and Chair of Strategic Capacity Building Committee: AfWA (African Water Association)
- International Advisory Group member of UNHabitat GWOPA programme and Chair of Ethics Committee.
His qualifications are in science, engineering, management, leadership and corporate governance.