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Karlene Maywald
Karlene Maywald
Water Ambassador, Department for Environment and Water, Government of South Australia

The Hon Karlene Maywald has dedicated her career to the sustainable management of water and improving access to water for all. Karlene is the Managing Director of Maywald Consultants and holds a broad portfolio of Board positions including Chair of the CRC for Solving Antimicrobial Resistance in Agriculture, Food and the Environment; Chair of WaterAid Australia and a Trustee of WaterAid International; Chair of the Peter Cullen Environment and Water Trust; and a Director of the Australian Water Association.
She is currently the South Australian Water Ambassador where she is focused on water policy advise, international water diplomacy and supporting Australian water businesses to improve export opportunities.
Karlene was elected to the South Australian Parliament between 1997 and 2010 and served as a cabinet minister from July 2004 until March 2010. Her portfolio responsibilities included the River Murray and Water Security.
At the National level, Karlene was a Member of the Murray Darling Basin Ministerial Council from 2004 to 2010 and she chaired the Australian National Water Commission between 2012-2015.
Karlene is most noted for her significant contribution to progressing national reforms to the transboundary management of the Murray Darling Basin in Australia and setting the direction for long term water security in South Australia.