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Coastal and Flood Resilience Leaders Summit

20 June 2024
09:00am - 1:00pm
Room 9B, Level 3


The Coastal and Flood Resilience Leaders Summit highlights the critical importance of adapting to climate change, with a specific focus on building resilience against sea level rise and more intense rainfall. This event brings together government and city officials, academia and industry practitioners to share innovative planning approaches and best practices in safeguarding cities against threats of flood risks. Each plenary will deep dive into the topic with three case studies, followed by a panel discussion moderated by Professor Khoo Teng Chye, Practice Professor, National University of Singapore College of Design and Engineering.


9:00am – 9:15am
Opening Address by Ms. Grace Fu, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment, Singapore
9:15am – 10:45am
Plenary 1 – Climate-Resilient Cities: Adaptive Planning Approaches to Coastal and Flood Management

Case studies:

  1. Adaptive Strategies and Planning and Program delivery using Digital Foundation: Thames Estuary Asset Management 2100 (Organised by Jacobs and the UK Environment Agency) - Presented by Andrew Pearson, Programme Manager, TEAM2100, Jacobs, UK and Joanne Emberson Wines, Senior Programme Director, TEAM2100, Environment Agency, UK
  2. Sibu Cloudburst Project (Organised by Ramboll and Land Custody and Development Authority, State of Sarawak)
  3. North and South Battery Park Resiliency Project (Organised by AECOM) - Presented by Beverly Stinson, Executive Vice President of Global Water Business, AECOM and Laurian Farrell, Deputy Commissioner for Coastal Resilience at the Department of Environmental Protection, New York City

Panel Discussion:

  • Prof. Tony Wong, Chair of Water Sensitive Cities Think Tank, Monash University
  • James Lam, Managing Director, Surbana Jurong
  • Saroj Kumar Jha, Water Global Director, World Bank
  • Karlene Maywald, South Australian Water Ambassador
  • Meike Van Ginneken, Water Envoy, Kingdom of the Netherlands
10:45am – 11:15am
Networking Coffee Break
11:15am – 12:45pm
Plenary 2 – Climate-Resilient Cities: Innovative Solutions to Adapt to Extreme Weather Events and Rising Seas

Case studies:

  1. Blueprints for Resilience: Hong Kong’s Next Generation of Communities – The Northern Metropolis and Harbour Metropolis (Organised by Arup and Hong Kong SAR Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD)) - Presented by Michael Fong Hok Shing, Director, Civil Engineering and Development Department and Yuvi Luo, Regional Flood Control Manager, Arup 
  2. Building with Nature: Crafting Wetlands from Soft Soils in Marker Wadden (Organised by Witteveen Bos and Rijkswaterstaat) - Presented by Stephan Van Der Biezen, Director International, Witteveen+Bos & Chairman of the Supervisory Board Member – EcoShape and Bart Vonk, Coordinating Advisor on Flood Risk Management, Rijkswaterstaat 
  3. Strategic Planning and Development of Investment Strategies for Climate Adaptation of the Unembanked Areas of the City of Rotterdam (Organised by RHDHV and Rotterdam) - Presented by Matthijs Bos, Climate Adaptation & Flood Resilience Lead, Royal HaskoningDHV and Vera Konings, City lead for Flood Risk and Coastal Protection, Rotterdam 

Panel Discussion:

  • Dr Adrian Law, Director of Special Events, Coastal Protection and Flood Resilience Institute (CFISG)
  • Prof Philippe Gourbesville, President, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research
  • Kevin Simpson, Binnies UK an RSK Group company, Flooding, Coastal and Maritime Director
  • Dr Julie Dean Rosati, Technical Director, US Army Corp of Engineers
  • Amanda Ikert, Head of Adaptation Implementation and Water, C40
12:45pm - 1:00pm
Summary and Closing


Prof. Tony Wong
Prof. Tony Wong
Director, Tony Wong Consulting and Distinguished Professor of Sustainable Development, Monash Univeristy
Andrew Pearson
Andrew Pearson
Programme Manager, TEAM2100, Jacobs
Joanne Emberson-Wines
Joanne Emberson-Wines
Senior Programme Director, TEAM2100, Environment Agency, United Kingdom
Grace Fu
Grace Fu
Minister, Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment, Singapore
Laurian Farrell
Laurian Farrell
Deputy Commissioner (Bureau of Coastal Resiliency), NYC Department of Environmental Protection, United States
Bart Vonk
Bart Vonk
Coordinating Water Defense Advisor, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Rijkswaterstaat
Yuvi Luo
Yuvi Luo
Associate Director, Arup
Prof. Khoo Teng Chye
Prof. Khoo Teng Chye
Director, NUS Cities, Fellow, Centre for Liveable Cities, Practice Professor, NUS College of Design and Engineering
James Lam
James Lam
Executive Director, Coastal Engineering & Management, Surbana Jurong Consultants Pte. Ltd.
Prof. Philippe Gourbesville
Prof. Philippe Gourbesville
President, IAHR
Karlene Maywald
Karlene Maywald
South Australian Water Ambassador, South Australian Government - Dept Environment & Water
Meike Van Ginneken
Meike Van Ginneken
Water Envoy, Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dr. Adrian Law
Dr. Adrian Law
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NUS
Kevin Simpson
Kevin Simpson
Flooding, Coastal & Maritime Director - UK & Ireland, Binnies UK, an RSK Group company
Dr. Julie Dean Rosati
Dr. Julie Dean Rosati
Technical Director, Flood & Coastal Risk Management, US Army Corps of Engineers (New Orleans District)
Vera Konings
Vera Konings
Lead Flood Risk Management and Coastal Resilience, City of Rotterdam
Saroj Jha
Saroj Jha
Water Global Director, World Bank
Amanda Ikert
Amanda Ikert
Head of Adaptation Implementation and Water, C-40
Beverly Stinson
Beverly Stinson
Executive Vice President of Global Water Business, AECOM
Michael Fong Hok Shing
Michael Fong Hok Shing
Director, Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD)
Stephan Van Der Biezen
Stephan Van Der Biezen
Director International, Witteveen+Bos
Matthijs Bos
Matthijs Bos
Climate Adaptation & Flood Resilience Lead, Royal HaskoningDHV